Faint cracks in both the vials have exposed each person who handled them to frigid woe, a deadly disease that can’t be cured by conventional means. In truth, the vials’ beautiful blue color is the result of deadly blue spores that cling to the interior of the glass.

The vials were then stolen, given to a fence out of Shadycreek Run, and sold again to an unsuspecting merchant. Among these treasures were two beautiful blue glass vials, which Urgon sold to an elf collector named Verla Pelc. The dwarf brought home several items plundered from ruins on Foren, the largest of Eiselcross’s islands. Urgon Wenth, a dwarf explorer, recently returned home to Palebank Village after exploring the icy wastes of Eiselcross for a year. Are they citizens of Uthodurn now aiding in the surface expansion of their civilization? Have they come north to seek freedom from the wars of other lands? Any number of options can help tie characters to this frigid region and the mysteries it holds. If your players are using the heroic chronicle to create their characters (see chapter 4 in the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount), work with them to decide how they made their way to Palebank Village. “Frozen Sick” is an adventure that takes characters from 1st to 3rd level and introduces them to the continent’s Biting North region-the bleak arctic realms of the Greying Wildlands and Eiselcross. Something is killing people in Palebank Village, and if the characters don’t stop it, they might be next.
If you want to know more about this interesting subject, we invite you to continue expanding your knowledge with this selection of more than 15 books on witchcraft in PDF format, which you can download right now in this section.Monstrous Compendium Vol 3: Minecraft Creatures

In the more modern stage, witchcraft was relegated to occult practices or those with no major relevance or influence in public life. One of the disadvantages of this was that crimes were committed without real justification and these women were victims of insults or false testimony. In Spain, for example, the Holy Inquisition was a kind of tribunal that executed women considered witches. The Catholic Church declared itself one of their main enemies. For this reason, in many parts of Europe they were persecuted, to the point of being killed by hanging or burned at the stake. However, with the passage of time, the figure of the witch became a negative reference and began to be associated with demonic and evil practices. In ancient times, they were dedicated to healing through herbs and used to be highly respected in the villages and even by some rulers and kings. Witchcraft is the set of practices, knowledge and beliefs carried by the so-called witches. If you are interested in knowing its origin and how it is developed nowadays, our witchcraft books in PDF format will be useful for you. This is a selection of witchcraft books in PDF format where you can explore this magical field of study.Īlthough it may be undervalued and related to occult or forbidden aspects, witchcraft is an interesting topic that can be approached from different disciplines such as history, anthropology, sociology or art. Now, we are pleased to present another topic that will be of interest to those who like to read about these subjects. On other occasions, we have created collections on dark arts, occultism and esotericism.